Following the cancellation of Robotica in 2002 that led to the end of the show's original broadcast run across TLC, numerous television channels aired reruns of all 3 various seasons of Robotica, lasting throughout the hiatus that the show took 2002. Unlike TLC, the rest of the television stations were usually relegated to airing one and/or more series rather than the episodes airing weekly, in a double bill and/or in a marathon as they had originally, episodes were instead broadcasted daily, one episode a day. The times of the reruns varied from channel to channel, ranging from various times of broadcasts. The following is list of channels that were known to have aired reruns of Robotica during its hiatus from television.
Channel 5 (UK)[]
Channel 5, a TV Channel operated in 1997 onwards, is the first known to have shown episodes of Robotica Season 1 back in 2001 during towards Christmas Time.
Channel 5 is famous for showing BattleDome, Survivor, The Desert Forges and the Pepsi Chart People's Choice and for showing the seventh series and the last classic series of Robot Wars in 2003-2004
...and speaking of 2003-2004...
Challenge TV (UK)[]
A television channel primarily focused on airing reruns of classic game show programmes such as Bullseye, Catchphrase and The Crystal Maze, Challenge was perhaps the most recognised channel to air reruns of Robotica and Robot Wars. Challenge first began its Robotica reruns in 2003, airing all 3 seasons in a daily block around 2004. Challenge even showed reruns of Robot Wars back in 2007 for The Third Wars (Series 3), 2014-2015 for The Second Wars (Series 2), 2015-2018 for The Fifth Wars (Series 5), Extreme Series 1, The Sixth Wars (Series 6), Extreme Series 2, The Seventh Wars (Series 7), The Eighth Wars (Series 8 2016), Battle Of The Stars, The Ninth Wars (Series 9 2017), The Tenth Wars (Series 10 2017), World Series (2017-2018) and The Second Wars again (Series 2 again), Challenge has never show and is yet to show The First Wars (Series 1).
Bravo (UK)[]
Launched on December 20 1985, Bravo is famous for showing reruns of BattleDome and Robot Wars and like Challenge: Bravo also aired all 3 seasons of Robotica starting in 2003 til around 2004, Bravo 2 in 2006 also showed reruns of Robot Wars Series 3 and 4.
Science Channel[]
Also known as Discovery Science, Science Channel features programming focused on wilderness survival, engineering, manufacturing, technology, space, space exploration, ufology and prehistory, Science Channel once showed reruns of all 3 seasons of Robotica from 2008-2009