Robotica Wiki

Da Claw was a robot that competed in the Final Season of Robotica. It was unique in being the only shufflebot ever to compete in Robotica as well as the most expensive. It was armed with an articulated arm and grasping claw designed to grab and lift opponents, hence its name. However, it was shown to be difficult to control. It beat Logoseye in the Preliminary Stages but lost to Juggerbot 3.0 in the Fight to the Finish.

Da Claw also competed as Dreadbot in Seasons 2.0-5.0 of Comedy Central's BattleBots, in the first two of which, it competed in the Heavyweight Division and never won a battle but was moved up to the Super Heavyweight Division thereafter and was more successful, winning 4 out of 6 fights. It competed in the first Season of Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors as well under the name Drillzilla where it won the Annihilator and Tag Team Terror tournaments and was Runner-Up in the 2nd World Championship to Razer but it lost in the first round of the Main Competition.